Saturday 28 April 2012


Kimpton Ndimande
THE Bulawayo City Council lost approximately $600 000 in revenue between Monday and Thursday when its workers went on strike over outstanding salaries, the financial director, Mr Kimpton Ndimande, revealed yesterday.

According to The Chronicle, Mr Ndimande said normally during the last week of the month, the local authority collects about$220 000 per day, but in the four days of the strike only $280 000 was collected.
He said the local authority got an average of $4,1 million per month, but this month it is estimated that it would get $3,1 million.

the concern here is that of the money lost due to the strike. Had the workers had been paid their salaries, all this money could have not been lost. with all this money that is being collected why is the local authority failing to pay its workers. So what is better? Paying the workers or lose a lot of money.

The other humiliating thing about the strike is that it was staged during the ZITF week, when there will be a lot of foreigners in the country. The service delivery in the city declined this week. What message will these foreign business people carry to their countries. Please BCC be serious about your duties.

source: The Chronicle

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