Monday 13 February 2012


What is the purpose of the city councils that we have here in Zimbabwe? Are they doing their work perfectly? Are they serving the public interest first or they are just fulfilling their personal interests? What exactly are they supposed to be doing? Such questions have invaded and impregnated the minds of many Zimbabweans who are living in inhuman conditions due to poor service delivery by their respective local authorities.

First and foremost the people who are in high positions in the city councils were elected by the public. If you were elected, it means that people have got confidence in you. They expect the best from you. This means that you have to prioritise their interests in return. But our fellows in city councils tend to forget this.

Secondly, people are paying their taxes. This means they are expecting high service delivery. They need value for their money.

This problem of poor service delivery has affected all the cities and towns in Zimbabwe. The roads are poor, full of potholes, poor water supply and gabbage is everywhere.

In following posts I will examine what different city councils are doing for their people. If you have a burning issue regarding your city council feel free to share and we can discuss and probably find a way out. 

1 comment:

  1. if you have new issues that you think are worth discussion concernig local governance please feel free to point out. thank you in advance for your comments
