Friday 23 March 2012


Mr Farai Nyandoro
The issue of the GNU has had a big blow on the local governance. Recently the MDC-T has suspended its mayor for Marondera, Farai Nyandoro from the party for five years for reportedly flouting tender procedures and wining and dining with senior ZANU PF officials in Mashonaland East province.

It seems as if although there is the GNU there is no harmony between the parties involved. GNU means that the parties must work together for the betterment of the country. However the parties are not working together and it seems they are not even willing to cooperate.

According to Newsday, A Mashonaland East provincial ad hoc party committee set up to probe Nyandoro pressed 12 charges against him and found him guilty of being too close to Zanu PF and abusing his office among other issues.

this shows that if a mayor of one party tries to work with other officials from the other party, his/her party will chuck him/her out. But is this the best way to conduct their duties. I think it is good if these parties would put their political affiliations aside and work for the betterment of the country.
Source newsday

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