Friday 30 March 2012


Godfree Tanyanyiwa
The suspended Chitungwiza town clerk Godfree Tanyanyiwa has been freed from his house arrest.

tanyanyiwa has been arrested after being suspected of many fraud cases. he is said to have robbed his employer of money amounting to US$170 000 buying himself an expensive car and a house in the low density suburb of Chisipite.

According to Newsday, Tanyanyiwa has been given freedom to move around from his home, a freedom which he lost on his last court session.

He had been ordered not to leave his home unless he is attending court or reporting to the police. However now he has been freed from this house arrest.

But, although he has been granted this freedom, he is supposed to continue staying at his Mt pleasant home, in Harare. he is also still supposed to keep on reporting at the Avondale police station. This is now his arrest condition for his arrest.

At least the courts are showing commitment in trying to curb corruption. corruption has of late taken this company as a storm. however it is the hope of every citizen that the trial come soon and the rule of law will have its role to re-orient the corrupt clerk.

we are now tired of seeing our funds being squandered whilst we the public are anguishing in hunger and lack of quality service delivery. its high time where anyone who commites this crime will be brought to book and necessary actions be taken.

you can visit:Newsday   

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