Tuesday 27 March 2012


A fierce confrontation is looming between the Minister of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development Ignatius Chombo and Harare City councillors over a proposal to employ more causal workers.

As a matter of concern, it has been noted that there is the issue of political differences that has come to play. The minister is ZANU PF and the Harare councilors are MDC. So this political difference has caused tension hence service delivery is compromised.

The minister is arguing that the council cannot hire workers to cut grass which has become a preying ground for thugs and rapists. On the other hand, the councilors are saying that more labour is required so that the work is done faster. The justification of the minister is that the money can be used in service delivery.

Both facts are good and valuable but the question is ‘When are they going to agree?’ this job needs to be done quickly otherwise more lives will be lost and more ladies raped. This shows the consequencies of disagreements over policies due to political differences.

In earlier blogs I have talked of how the inclusive government is failing to deliver due to political affiliations. However, it is good for the council and the ministry to put aside the political differences and work to achieve good results. It is my hope that they will soon come to an agreement and the work will be done.
Source: dailynews

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